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首页 >认证服务申请喀麦隆COC
发布时间:2018-06-30 浏览:6793次
申请喀麦隆COC,需要提供这些资料哦。 发票箱单 产品图片,型号,品牌 验货地址,联系人 DI(喀麦隆进口商在当地SGS申请) DI有的话,提供过来,如果暂时还没有的话,在出证书之前必须提供下DI,才能出证书的哦~
To apply for Cameroon COC, you need to provide these materials. Invoice, packing list, product picture, model, brand, inspection address, contact di (Cameroon importer applies in the local SGS) Di, if any, provide it. If not yet, you must provide Di before issuing the certificate~